Privacy Policy


Welcome to the Ioconic privacy policy.

Ioconic Ltd  s committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy.

The purpose of this notice is to explain and set out the basis upon which any personal data which we collect or receive from you will be treated. Our privacy policy is in line with UK legislation. Please read on to find out more about your privacy rights under these laws.

Any references to "Ioconic", "we", "our" or "us" in this policy are intended to refer to Ioconic Ltd.

This is a general privacy notice. It is important that you read it in conjunction with any other notices we may provide to you when we are collecting or processing your personal data. For example, notices about marketing we would like to provide to you.

What This Policy Covers

This policy covers all of our website, any of our social media channels, customer and technical support and any other ancillary services which we may from time to time provide to you.

Rights and Protection of Children

Our website is targeted for usage by children with parent authorization required for any transactional processes. Given that children will make use of our site, we will keep our compliance with the Information Commissioner's Age Appropriate Design Code under regular review.

Information We Collect

We will collect a limited set of personal data from you in order to enable your usage of our site. When you register for an account, we will collect your full name and email address.  We ask for your postcode at payment stage but we do not store this information.

The collection of this data is necessary to allow you to make purchases on our site and keep track of your order history. It is important that we retain it, in case there are any issues with your purchases and to monitor and optimise customer experience.

We also collect data from you if you contact us with a query or to report a problem. We will endeavour to store any such information in anonymous form, for the purposes of logging such queries only.

How and Why We Use Your Data (Legal Basis for Processing)

We need the information we request in order to set you up with an account, process and maintain records of your orders with us.  This information is necessary for us to fulfil our obligations under our contract with you.

We may use your data for other purposes which are in our legitimate business interests. For example:

  • In certain circumstances we may use your information to market our products and services to you if you do not exercise your right to opt out of marketing;
  • To notify you about any changes to our services;
  • To keep a record of your interactions with us; and
  • In the event we sell our company or its assets, we may provide the purchaser with your personal data so that they may continue to prove the services to you.

In doing so, we balance our legitimate interests against the rights and interests of the individuals whose data we are processing and keep a record of these decisions.

Sometimes we are required by law to provide information to authorities such as the police.  This is rare and will always ensure that we are required to provide this information by law before we disclose any information.

International Transfers

Please note that your data will be held on servers hosted by a third party provider in the United States of America.  We have a contract in place with this third party provider ensures the data is adequately protected and which includes model form clauses approved for these purposes.

Data Retention

We will not retain your data for longer than is reasonably necessary for the provision of services from our website. While you hold an account with us, we will maintain your information to allow you to log in, complete purchases and interact with our site.

If you wish to close your account, please email following which time we will erase your information from our databases.

Payment Information

Please note that your payment information will never be seen or accessed by us. At the point of payment, you will be transferred to Stripe's secure payment page. This page may be branded to resemble our website, but is not controlled by us.

The only payment information we receive are data concerning transaction dates, currencies, amounts and the products which are transacted.

Please visit for more information on Stripe's privacy policy.

Your Rights

You have the right to data protection and privacy under the law.

  • ACCESS: You have the right to access data which is held about you by submitting a data subject access request to This will allow you to see what personal data is held about you and check that we are processing it lawfully.
  • CORRECTION: You may request that personal data about you is rectified to be true and accurate.
  • TRANSFER: You have the right to transfer your data to another entity including yourself or a third party. Please note that this only applies to the automated information which you first provided consent for us to process, or in circumstances where we used that information to execute a contract with you.
  • RESTRICT: You may request a restriction on the processing of your data. This will halt the processing of your data and may be used in the following scenarios: (a) where you wish to establish the accuracy of the information; (b) where our usage of the data is or has become unlawful but you do not want it to be erased; (c) where you need us to continue holding the data to enable you to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; (d) where you have objected (see below) to our usage of your data and we are in the process of verifying whether there are legitimate grounds to use it.
  • OBJECTION: You have the right to object to the processing of your data. Where we are relying on a legitimate interest, you can still object if you feel that the processing infringes your fundamental rights and freedoms. Depending on the case, we may demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for our usage of your data which override your rights and freedoms. In such a case, we will notify you and explain our reasoning. You can always object where the processing is for marketing purposes.  Please [click here/email address to be inserted] to opt out of marketing from us at any time.
  • ERASURE: You may request that the personal data we hold about you is deleted from our system where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it. You may also make this request where you have successfully exercised your right to object (see above). This might apply where we have processed your information unlawfully or where local law requirements have changed. Please note there may be occasions where we are unable to comply with your request to have your data erased due to specific legal conditions which will be notified to you as appropriate.

Please contact to invoke any of these rights or for more information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy was last updated on 14th October 2021.